Tuesday 18 December 2012


You do your country and your self no favors by refusing to vote. Some reasons why we need to register to vote and vote as well.

• The only way we can change the destiny of our country is by our vote. We can talk and sing, and paint and go
 for protests but if we don’t vote, we have little chance of changing anything.

• If we don’t vote, we do not have a right to judge the leaders of this country or its policies. If you don’t vote for good leaders you do not have the right of judging bad leaders. If you sit at home watching your country go wrong while you do nothing you have no right to complain.

• Your vote counts. Many people are asking why should I vote? I am only one person. Your vote is important. One vote multiplied by thousands makes a very big difference.

•Your right to vote is one of the rights that you enjoy as a citizen of your country. Use it responsibly.

• As youth this is the time to stand up for what you believe. Its time to show that you are the leader of today not tomorrow. One way of showing this is by voting. Kenya will be changed by people who believe that change can happen. We have to believe that things do not have to stay at the status quo they are at right now. By voting we change the course of the river that is Kenya. The constitution was a right step in changing the course of our destiny. Yes it is many times being used for selfish ends by politicians but despite that or in spite of that it is changing things. It is time for us as Kenyans to decide that we have had enough of the same recycled politicians. Its time for us to choose leaders who like us, care about this country and not just about themselves. As we vote, please don’t vote for leaders just because they are from your tribe or because you know them. Please vote for your leaders based on issues, and their track record. The only way to change Kenya is to vote for leaders who have a vision for this country and a development record.

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